Dekalb County Warming Centers & Food Give Away
DeKalb County to Open Warming Centers - Feb. 3 and 4 DeKalb County will open the following warming centers for residents to use on Fri., Feb. 3, and Sat., Feb. 4, beginning at 8 p.m.: Fire Station 3, 100 N. Clarendon Avenue, Avondale Estates, GA 30002 Fire Station 4, 4540 Flakes Mill Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294 • Fire Station 6, 2342 Flat Shoals Road, Atlanta, GA 30316 North DeKalb Senior Center, 3393 Malone Drive, Chamblee, GA 30341 Anyone staying in the warming centers must follow the county’s COVID-19 protocols that include wearing a mask, social distancing and undergoing a...
Dekalb County February Community Engagement Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2023
February's Community Engagement Meeting will be Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 6 pm on Zoom. Our Guest Speaker will be Detective R. Weber, Criminal Investigation Division (CID), Tucker Precinct. Zoom Call Details: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 969480 Or Telephone: Dial: USA 602 333 0032 USA 8882709936 (US Toll Free) Conference code: 986932 Find local AT&T Numbers:
Tree Removal, Conservation & Protection Guides, Checklists
We have had some questions from members on the rules around removing trees in the Northcrest neighborhood and thought this information may be helpful to all of our members.
Dekalb County Community Engagement Meeting
DeKalb County Police Department will have a combined Community Engagement Meeting via Zoom! Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 Time: 6 pm Our guest speaker will be Nicole M. Golden, Esq., Chief Deputy Tax Commissioner. Use the Zoom Link below or dial in Toll-Free. We look forward to seeing you there! Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Or Telephone: Dial: USA 602 333 0032 USA 8882709936 (US Toll-Free) Conference code: 798987
Dekalb Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Residential Sanitation Collection Schedule
DeKalb Announces Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Residential Sanitation Collection Schedule In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 16, garbage, recyclable materials and yard trimmings collection for residential customers will be based on a revised collection schedule as follows: Monday, Jan. 16 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed. No sanitation service. Tuesday, Jan. 17 – Residential customers whose regularly scheduled collection day is Monday, Jan. 16, will be serviced on Tuesday, Jan. 17. Wednesday, Jan. 18 – Residential customers whose regularly scheduled collection day is Tuesday, Jan. 17, will be serviced on...