News — Doraville

Mixed Signals from Doraville

annexation Doraville news

Mixed Signals from Doraville

The Northcrest Civic Association (NCA) became aware on September 24th, through social media, of a proposal by Doraville City Councilmember Robert Patrick to direct staff to study the feasibility of annexing a new area east of I-85 into the City. This proposal was brought up in the City Council Work Session Meeting on Monday, September 23rd. I drafted a letter from the NCA Board and had all Board members review it before sending it to Mayor Donna Pittman and all five Councilmembers on Sunday, September 29th. The letter outlined our surprise that this was brought up with no prior communication with the neighborhoods involved and our concern that our neighborhood was being dissected with a portion in this proposed annexation area and a portion left in unincorporated DeKalb. The letter also requested a face-to-face meeting with the Mayor and Councilman Patrick to further discuss the issue.

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