Update on Pleasantdale Elementary School Construction

Community Affairs

On Thursday, July 14, Jim Taylor and Chuck Hunt, representing the Northcrest Civic Assn. (NCA) board, met at Pleasantdale with county construction and planning staff, Principal Brown and other school staff and neighbors for an update. We were given an overview of the architectural drawings and plans, and a brief update on progress.

School administration explained the primary “next step,” upon which any further progress hinges, is to negotiate and complete a land sale and use agreement with the County for portions of Pleasantdale Park. The current plan calls for a section of the park between the existing “lower” playground and the small baseball field nearest the school to become school property on which the new school will be sited. Plans also call for the primary school access, including all bus traffic, to be from a new entry drive from Pleasantdale Rd.. Overflow parking for the school is to be provided on current park property. There is to be no cut-through access between the neighborhood and Pleasantdale Rd.

School development staff stated they believe they have responded to all county government concerns, but have received no feedback from the county, and the property sale progress seems at a standstill.

Following that meeting Chuck spoke with Commissioner Nancy Jester about the lack of progress and apparent stalemate, and had further conversations with the schools planning director, who promised to directly contact the commissioner to try and move the process forward. As of this posting, another meeting with school staff is planned, at which time we hope to be informed of new progress.

Neighbors are, we know, interested about this project and have some concerns regarding site development, park use, traffic, etc., which Jim and Chuck have relayed to both school staff and Comm. Jester. And neighbors will have a chance for direct input at one or more public meetings which are required and have been promised by Commissioner Jester prior to any final development and construction.

We will post updates to this message board as available, including any updated site plans and architectural drawings as we obtain them.

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