The Northcrest Civic Association (NCA) Needs You!

Community Affairs

The NCA has come a long way from our (latest) beginnings in March of 2016.  We currently have over 150 member households; host several annual events, such as the 4th of July Tie Dye Party and Parade, Black Friday Market, and the Steel Dreamin’ Block Party; and help to keep people in the neighborhood connected and informed.

But, as we head into our 4th year, we need YOU to get more involved in the NCA!  We are currently looking for new Board members (President, Vice President, and Secretary) as well as committee chairs and committee members. If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact our Vice President, Chris Hester, at 404-374-0636 or The opportunities are limitless.

The current standing committees of the NCA are:

  1. Governance Committee – Open to Board Members only. Main responsibilities are to review and update the by-laws as needed and to recruit and present the Board Member nominations each year. Meets as needed.
  1. Finance Committee – Open to all NCA members, chaired by the Treasurer. Main responsibilities are to review the financial reports and prepare the annual budget. Meets monthly.
  1. Communications/Marketing – Open to all NCA members, can be chaired by a Board Member or an NCA member. Main responsibilities are to maintain the website, social media accounts, and email blasts; generate the newsletters and other marketing materials (flyers, signs, etc.); and design, procure, and sell promotional materials.  Meets as needed.
  1. Community Involvement – Open to all NCA members, can be chaired by a Board Member or an NCA member. Main responsibilities are to monitor and report on activities related to businesses near our neighborhood, governmental agencies, other organizations within the neighborhood, and the Pleasantdale Elementary School.  Meets as needed.
  1. Membership/Welcoming Committee – Open to all NCA members, can be chaired by a Board Member or an NCA member. Main responsibilities are to plan and execute the annual membership drive, solicit new members throughout the year, and welcome new members.  Meets as needed.
  1. Safety Committee – Open to all NCA members, can be chaired by a Board Member or an NCA member. Main responsibilities are to collect and disseminate information regarding safety issues affecting the neighborhood and to organize and oversee the Neighborhood Watch program. Meets as needed.
  1. Social Committee - Open to all NCA members, can be chaired by a Board Member or an NCA member. Main responsibilities are to plan and execute all social events hosted by the NCA.  Meets as needed.

There is also currently one ad hoc committee:

  1. Historic Northcrest Committee – Open to all NCA members and members of the Hoe N Hope Garden Club, can be chaired by a Board Member or an NCA member. Main responsibilities are to design, raise funds for, procure, and install signs for the neighborhood entrances proclaiming our designation as a Historic Neighborhood; design, raise funds for, procure, and install street sign toppers for all street signs within the neighborhood; design and implement a marketing plan to promote our Historic Neighborhood designation; and plan and execute a celebratory event working in conjunction with the Social Committee.

If you aren’t able to commit to participation at one of these levels, you can always volunteer to help with individual events or projects.  We will never turn down help from our neighbors!


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