Northcrest News 2017 SPECIAL EDITION: Northcrest Historic District

Northcrest News 2017 SPECIAL EDITION: Northcrest Historic District (Issue 6): The inaugural issue of Northcrest News delivered to Northcrest neighbors July 15, 2017. Click here for the PDF.

Northcrest Is Now a National Treasure ~ by Jim Nelson and Peggy Hillary

The Northcrest Historic District was added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 17, 2017. The National Register is maintained by the National Park Service under the Department of the Interior. The weekly listing of additions to the Historic Register for April 28, 2017...

Letter from the President ~ by Ingrid Nuss

Extra!! Extra!! Have you heard the news?? Northcrest is now a National Historic District! And this issue of the Northcrest News is all about this amazing new designation. I know that a lot of you have questions about what this means, and what impact it will have on your property. We have attempted to answer some of your questions in this Special Edition..

In this issue:

  • Timeline of Events
  • The Designation Was a Two-Year Process
  • The Interview with Richard Laub
  • Northcrest: Planned for Leisure Living
  • What Does it Mean to be Designated as an Historic District?
    • How the Historic Designation Benefits You
    • What the Historic Designation Does Not Do
    • Tax Incentives
      • Federal Tax Incentives
      • State Tax Incentives
  • How You can Help Us Celebrate
    • Make a Plan!
    • How you can contribute

(Details in the PDF)