Northcrest News 2017 Spring Edition

Northcrest News 2017 Spring (Issue 5): The inaugural issue of Northcrest News delivered to Northcrest neighbors April 4, 2017. Click here for the PDF.


Letter from the President ~ by Ingrid Nuss

Spring has sprung, with the promise of a fun-filled Northcrest summer right around the corner. We Northcresters will be kicking off the season with the Hoe N’ Hope Garden Club’s 2017 Tour of Homes on April 23rd, then moving directly into pool season! I can’t wait!

So, what is the Northcrest Civic Association up to?? Well, lots of things!

A lot of people have asked when they need to pay their NCA dues for the new year? As a ‘Thank you’ to our inaugural members, renewals will not be due until April 2018. All new memberships moving forward will be renewed on the NCA anniversary in April. New members can sign up...(more in the PDF)

In this issue:

  • Northcrest Civic Association - First Quarter, 2017 Financial Report
  • Community Affairs Committee Report
    • Chevron Station Re-development
    • Kroger Re-development
    • Archwood Re-paving
  • UPS Committee Update
  • Neighborhood Options Committee
  • Tips for Being Good Neighbors to our Wildlife
  • Northcrest MAMAS
  • Northcrest Architecture
  • Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club - Celebrating 55 years of Neighborhood Volunteerism
  • The Hoe n' Hope Garden Club Invites You to the 2017 Northcrest Tour of Homes
  • Classic Car Show Meets Monthly
  • Upcoming Events
    • Northcrest Spring Clean-up Day
    • Northcrest 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt
    • Neighborhood Treasure 'n' Plant Sale!
    • Northcrest Atomic Dash
  • Northcrest Neighborhood Partners
(Details in the PDF)Save