Negotiated Conditions for Chevron SLUP (Special Land Use Permit)


For those of you interested, below is an extract of the SLUP (Special Land Use Permit) that was granted for the new Chevron development off Northcrest Rd/Chamblee Tucker. These will be referenced in a forthcoming article in the Northcrest Newsletter.

SLUP-15-20061 (Drive-thru restaurant)

 1. The Developer shall work cooperatively with DeKalb County related to its review and/or implementation of any commercially reasonable traffic improvements that the County may deem necessary for the Northcrest Road/Chamblee Tucker Road intersection.

SLUP -15-20062 (Alcohol Outlet)

  1.  No distilled spirits shall be sold on the Subject Property.
  2. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold in containers that are sixteen (16) ounces or less.
  3. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold from ice barrels.
  4. No more than three (3) coin-operated amusement machines regulated by the Georgia Lottery Commission shall be permitted on the Subject Property.
  5. No smoking pipes, roach clips, bongs or miniature metal spoons shall be sold, or offered for sale, provided that hookah and other tobacco products otherwise permitted by law shall be allowed.
  6. No products commonly described as pornographic material shall be sold, or offered for sale.
  7. Security cameras shall be maintained on the interior and exterior of the building located on the Subject Property at all times. Video footage shall be made available to law enforcement on demand.
  8. No loitering shall be permitted on the Subject Property.
  9. A sign shall be posted in a prominent place in the retail store where such alcoholic beverages are sold, which sign shall read as follows: "It is unlawful to consume alcoholic beverages on these premises.”
  10. The property shall be maintained in a clean and neat manner.

SLUP-15-20064 (Fuel Pumps)

  1. The developer shall present provide architectural drawings of the proposed building elevation, as well as proposed building materials, to the district commissioner and thereafter allow for a fifteen (15) day period to transpire before the submittal of a building permit for new construction is submitted to DeKalb County. The developer understands the intent of this condition is for the impacted residents to work with the developer to ensure every reasonable effort is made to incorporate Mid-Century Modern neighborhood design, consistent with the surrounding neighborhoods, as part of the building design. Evidence of compliance with this condition shall be confirmed by providing a copy of the required materials presented to the district commissioner, with proof of the date of delivery, at the time of submission for a building permit. Nothing in this condition shall prohibit the developer from obtaining a demolition permit for any structures located on the subject property during this review permit.
  2. The developer or operator shall provide a name and contact person associated with the Subject Property to the district commissioner. This individual will be available at all times during the operation of the fuel center to answer questions regarding the operation of the businesses located on the Subject Property.


3. Upon completion of the redevelopment of the subject property, and with two weeks notice, the developer shall be available to meet with the impacted neighbors regarding any and all issues related to the operation of the businesses located on the Subject Property.

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